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start:plugins:marineweightschedule:mws-usermanual [2021/12/14 15:10]
adminmar [ProjectWeightReportByHullSection]
start:plugins:marineweightschedule:mws-usermanual [2021/12/14 15:10] (current)
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 Using the command's scripted mode //-ProjectWeightReportByHullSection// will enable two hidden options: Using the command's scripted mode //-ProjectWeightReportByHullSection// will enable two hidden options:
   * **AxisLengthInMeters**: Enter the gravity center's preview axis length used in the result views   * **AxisLengthInMeters**: Enter the gravity center's preview axis length used in the result views
-  * **DrawSplittedGeometries**: When enabled, a layer //ProjectWeightReportByHullSection// will be added to the model, with the splitted geometry. This is useful to check if no curves/surfaces were lost in the sections' splitting operations.+  * **DrawSplittedGeometries**: When enabled, a layer //ProjectWeightReportByHullSection// will be added to the model, with the split geometry. This is useful to check if no curves/surfaces were lost in the sections' splitting operations.
 ---- ----
 ==== HydrostaticReport ==== ==== HydrostaticReport ====